Hello everyone , new member here!
Last summer I discovered a noticeable amount of diesel in the bilge , about half a litre. I cleaned it up and also cleaned up in the deepest corner of the lazerette by the bottom of the fuel tank. I noticed it was very moist around the black rubber grommets in the top of the fuel tank so guessed the leak was originating from them. I did my best to re seat the grommets hoping that would work. I then went to check the breather on the stern. I poked around not knowing what to expect and suddenly my electrical screw driver gave way..it had broken through a crust of either salt or calcium which no doubt had compromised the effectiveness of the breather. During the rest of my voyage over the week no more leeks appeared so hopefully a good news story. My question is are the grommets meant to leak if there is a build up of pressure due to blocked breather and also is it prudent to replace the grommets occasionally? Finally where would I buy new grommets?
Julian Palmer