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- Forum
- Topics
- Last Post
for discussions on all matters relating to Bavaria Yachts and the BOA
- 660
- 4 weeks ago
Technical Help
For questions and sharing hints and tips relating to Bavaria Yachts
- 258
- 1 month, 1 week ago
Event chit chat
Information around BOA events
- 39
- 1 year, 4 months ago
This is a place to find and share manuals and documentation including boat manuals, engine manuals, electronics manuals, servicing and repair instructions, and spare parts lists.
- 12
- 6 months, 3 weeks ago
For Sale/Wanted
Sell anything from a bit to a boat.
- 22
- 1 week ago
Mediterranean Members
This area of the forum is for all members with boats based in the Mediterranean. This is the place to share with other members where you are, where you are going, share tips on best value winter moorings, favourite anchorages and restaurants, where to get spare parts, and arrange med meet-ups.
- 1
- 4 years, 7 months ago