
    Bubble3BubbleIMG_0177IMG_0178IMG_0179Bubble is a 2003 Bavaria 32 which I have owned since 2016. She’s berthed at Fleetwood Marina. I sail virtually year-round, preferring to leave her in over the winter and haul her for maintenance when the weather is warmer in the spring for just a couple of weeks.

    I sail mostly single-handed. Longer trips in the summer months include North Wales, Southern Scotland, Ireland (N and S) and the Isle of Man. Whitehaven on the Cubria coast is a good day’s sail too. A popular weekend trip is across Morecambe Bay to Piel Island – just about the only place for much of the NW coast where it is possible to pick up a buoy or anchor at any state of the tide. The majority of the time, though, my sailing over the mere 3 hours we have over HW at Fleetwood and I sail in the bay or, on the bigger tides, up the River Were estuary.

    Bubble has her original VP 2020D engine and saildrive but new sails (Kemp) and a Bruntons folding propeller.

    Recent projects: new fridge; replaced exhaust elbow; replaced leaking original VP water-trap and replaced with new Vetus.

    I am early-retiring at the end of 2020 so hope to sail further from 2021, hopefully to the South Coast, Scilly Isle, Scottish Islands etc. I’ve always wanted to sail round Britain but now that the time I can do that is approaching I am less confident!

    You can follow Bubble on AIS.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by bobclements.