I have a Brunton’s AutoProp on my B32, it was fitted soon after I bought the boat new in 2002 and is one of the best bits of kit I have. Certainly it’s expensive but well worth it in terms of drag reduction, improved fuel economy and forward/reverse performance. It’s very satisfying when you’re sailing to turn off the engine, feather the prop and watch the speed increase by another 1/2 – 3/4 knot. Also, when motoring I cruise at about 2000 rpm, significantly lower than with the standard fix-blade prop.
Regarding the weight, as I said the boat is 2002 vintage and the engine has done some 2000 hrs with no adverse effect on the saildrive and associated seals. I’ve fitted a galvanic isolator in the mains power circuit and have no problems with anode degradation, the Brunton’s anode lasts one season with no problems (I’m berthed in the Hamble).
Hope this helps.
Ian Culley