I guess either under the aft facing saloon seat or the V-berth would do fine. Not sure if the Ocean has the same space as the AC under the saloon seat but I think for mine (40AC), it’d be a bit tight (and, in any case, that’s where I store drinking water bottles and wine!). I checked the required input (raw) water flow rate before deciding on the engine inlet. Mine needs 128ltrs/hr. This is about 10 times it’s production, so you’d need double that. I suspect pinching some of the seawater flow before it reaches the engine will still leave more than enough. For the excess water from the watermaker, we ran a flexi pipe to the sink waste pipe, through the low level locker in the forecabin. From the saloon berth, this would be easier as it could go under the floor. However, we’ve sited our unit against the bulkhead under the V-berth and this is higher than the sink waste, ensuring drain. From the saloon berth, you may find you’ll end up with syphoning problems or some water remaining in the exit pipework. Hope this helps.