We also have Bavaria 30.
We have put our canister liferaft on the port pushpit rail (we moor starboard side to). We did consider putting it on the coach roof, but we already had a frame from our last boat and I like the fact that it is accessable whatever the weather without having to leave the cockpit.
It has meant that the cockpit shower is hard to reach, but we rarely use it except for filling buckets with warm water for washing the boat. We still manage to fit our inflated tender on the stern when cruising and continue to use the swim platform as a ‘tender jetty’ when in port so it hasn’t really impacted us with it being there.
I see from your profile that you are moored in Southampton, Hunros is moored just around the corner on the Hamble and if it helps I am more than happy to meet so you can see the liferaft in-situ.