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  • #6943

      How do you attach photographs to posts? I have tried “Upload Attachment” but this doesn’t seem to work – leads to a blank screen. Help please!


        Click “Upload attachment”
        Click on “Browse” in the box next to filename. (Select the file that you want to post)
        Click “Add to file” *****Looks like you may have missed this bit?*****
        Add any comments
        Choose to have the pic placed inline into the text like…
        [attachment=0:179plx8f]IMG_1527 – Copy.JPG[/attachment:179plx8f]

        Or leave for the file to displayed at the bottom of the message
        [attachment=0:179plx8f]IMG_1527 – Copy.JPG[/attachment:179plx8f]


          That doesn’t work for me, all I end up with is a blank page, even losing the post I’d drafted. I’d like to post some pix of the structural fault I posted about.


            What size (MB) are the pics that you are trying to post and are they .jpeg?


              Only about 350kb and yes, they are .jpg.


                Hi David, here goes…. I think that the resolution that you are trying to upload them in is too high??


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