Hi! I had the same problem and Andreas Vogt replied promptly, unfortunately the panels for a B39 are not made by Phillippi. Andreas Suggested I contact Calira (now part of Truma Electronic Systems. Herman Unglert on service@calira.de responded, not as quickly as Andreas but still very helpful. Unfortunately they did not do the B39 panels either but he mentioned that it was “Social Work”.
I ordered a replacement through Bavaria and I gleaned from the packaging that it cam from “Erthal-SozialWerk” which is an organisation which provides employment for the “differently abled” and those with “learning difficulties”. Their spares are only available through Clipper and the panels have a code “ESW—” where — is a number, in the case of the B39 it is 256.
Clipper are still no quicker at sourcing spares