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November 2, 2006 at 10:29 am #6013
Dear BOA members,
I’ve been just new member of BOA. My new boat New Life is 2005 September (2006 model) 42 Cruiser. With her, We sailed from Slovenia to Turkey via Croita and Greece; All Aegean Sea Turkish coasts and Greek islands and mainland and joined EMYR Rally http://www.emyr.org at may and june. With this rally I and my wife visited all south Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon (We left there just days before war π ) , Israel and Egypt and returned back to Turkey, to our home port Izmir, Cesme, Goldendolphin marina. There were more than 20 UK flag boats and +70 English crew in EMYR (East Med. Yacht Rally) and we had very good frienships with them. (Totaly 80 boats from 21 different country!)
In Turkey, We also have yahoo e-group platfom and its adresse is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Bavariasail/ . At the moment we are 73 members and about 30 yachts. But our mailing language is Turkish π On the other hand I believe most of our members speaks English too. (Better than me π ) We will be very happy to see your mail messages at there too.
If you have any question about this part of the world, I’ll be happy to try and help you.
Best regards,
Turgut Ayker
[/img]November 11, 2006 at 1:30 pm #7158Anonymous
Hello Turgut (Ihope I have spelt that correctly)
I also have a Bavaria 42, although it is an Ocean model and a lot older than yours! It was very interesting to hear about your sailing experiences and the EMYR rally.
I am the editor of the Bavaria Owners Magazine and hopefully you will have received the latest edition. If not, let me know and I will post one on to you. We have members all over the world and they sometimes send me articles.
If you would like to write me an article about your sailing experiences to go into the magazine it would be very much appreciated, and also a bit about your e-group platform. you can get in touch with me on newsletter@bavariaowners.co.uk
I look forward to hearing from you, and welcome to being a Bavaria owner!
Happy sailing,
Crid – editor, Bavaria Owners Association magazine
November 12, 2006 at 8:58 am #7161Anonymous
Dear Crid,
Hi, Yes you spelt my name correctly like Too(r)good π
I really dont know BO Magazine. I would happyly like to be member. How can I be member? Is there any online membership?
I also would like to send EMYR memos/logs or Turkish Bavaria Sail group news or even different articles about our Aegean Sailing activities. But the problem is my beautiful English π Is there anybody there who speaks Turkish? π
Maybe you would get good info from http://www.emyr.org and one member of the committe is from England; Shirley & Geoffrey Withrington; SY THREE SHEETS. They also have Bavaria 40 ocean. I’m sure you may get very info from them. There were 62 English crew and 26 UK flagged boats on the rally. We were totaly almost 80 boats (that is the full capacity of rally and no more boats were been accepted to join) , 300 crew and 21 nationalities! This rally is one of most beautiful & unforgetable memory of my and my wife’s life. We had sailed and visited all south Turkey, North Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt.
By the way, first time, we, Turkish bavariasail yahoo e-group members met last thursday evenning in Izmir. We were about 40 crew from Izmir(total member is more than 70 from All Turkey) and had very nice evenning. everybody had told to others about our voyages and laughed for our very funny events on the way of from Slovenia to Turkey via Dalmanian – Ion – Corinth and Aegean seas which is about 1000 sea miles.
We did a lot of jokes to our dear Bavaria TR dealer about different discount percentages and bargains π
One said that he invited us fish restaurant before selling a boat. So, we others made a lot jokes about why dealer didnot invite us!. At the end, He (dealer: Mr. Taner Gumush shareholder of Franken-Meer Co.) had to invited all of us his Bavaria base dock in Cesme town for wine & sardalia fish barbeque party πEvery Bavaria owners wished that they would be very happy to meet regularly at the sea or outside as happy hours. We will see?
Best regards,
Turgut Ayker
November 13, 2006 at 7:40 pm #7164Anonymous
Hello Turgut
Lovely to hear from you. if you let me have your address I will post a copy of the Magazine on to you as you are a member of the BOA. We have lots of articles written by Bavaria Owners who are sailing all over the world and I am sure you will find it very interesting. There are also a couple of technical articles which are always useful to keep. However, with a new boat like yours you probably wont need any technical articles just yet!
If you would like to write a short (or long) article about your experiences in the EMYRally I could edit it so that it reads properly (although your English is very good). Unfortunately I dont know anyone who speaks Turkish, but I am very good at interpreting what non-English speakers mean. Once I had edited it I could send it back to you to see if you are happy with it.
It sounds as though you had a really good time when you all met up. We also do that here in the South of England – we organise approximately 15 rallies every year and also some races, so we have a lot of fun.
Happy sailing
Crid – Editor, BOA magazine, and SY Oceansong.
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