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      Still finding my way around my newly aquired B32 (2003). It appears that the heads outlet goes staight to the holding tank then by gravity to the main seacock, yet the owners manual shows a Y valve ?????????? Whilst on the subject access to the main pipe from the heads looks difficult, has anyone had to replace yet?.


        The set up on my 2009 Bavaria 31 is the same as you describe…head outlet to the tank, and then gravity to the sea if emptied out. No Y valve, which by the way to my knowledge are not allowed in US waters. The Bavaria manuals (at least mine) seem somewhat “generic” in places, so I wonder if that’s the reason for the disconnect between what it shows and what you actually have…

        s/v Battuta (Bavaria 31)
        Vancouver, Canada


          Thanks for the reply Battuta, The manual for mine does show a Y valve despite its non existance, A friend of mine has no holding tank on his B32 but the Show catalogue for 2003 shows it as standard.


            I have a situation allied to this post.

            The main sea cock to my holding tank is stuck in the open position. I asume that I can not replace it until I get the boat hauled out but then I can imagine what will happen. How should I handle this situation?


              If your tank is the same as mine it discharges via gravity so no problem with valve open. I had exactly the same problem with my valve but when out of the water it worked OK with a firm leverage. I did have a blockage in the tank , getting the hatch cover off was impossible without making up a primative tool, once off a poke with a spiked stick released all contents. Moral do not let toilet paper down the pan.


                Oh the fun of the holding tank. Last year my stopcock got jammed open I was a bit nervous about using too much pressure to close it but luckily met someone who I trusted knew what they were doing ( always a bit of a worry that) . Also later found tank overflow dripping so had to go out to sea and jam a hand stirrup pump into the waste extraction hole on deck and hand pump the nasties out down to level that would make the inspection hole able to be opened. Then it was an opened up wire coat hanger and prodding down into the tank via thje opened inspection hatch to release the remainder. Problem solved that is until the middle of this year on a trip to Cornwall repeat of the same. I keep a closer look at the tank now (paranoia) when it is dark I put a torch to one side of it to see if the level is getting up to the inspection hatch level and if it is when we are at sea and I have opened the sea cock I open the hatch to check if it has cleared. Prevention better than cure. I think it is a calcium build up that breaks off and slides over the outflow pipe opening not the dreaded toilet paper.
                I am not sure why but the holding tank red full warning light flashes all the time since this last fix it did for a while last year so maybe it will stop later.

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