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  • #6571

      We have just lifted Alana after 12 months afloat.
      (We fitted new hull and saildrive anodes 12 months ago although the hull anode we replaced seemed to have degraded very little. The saildrive anode that we replaced was more degraded but certainly nowhere near 50% eroded. Nevertheless it was replaced.)

      Again this year the hull anode has only surface pitting (very little erosion) and the saildrive anode is not badly eroded.

      The boat is connected to shore power in Port Solent at least 220 days per year.

      Is this a similar experience to other owners? Or should I be looking to find a fault somewhere?

      your help and views/experience would be much appreciated.




        Sounds very similar to my experience with ‘Another Fantasy’ in Chichester Marina. I change the saildrive and propeller (Brunton’s Autoprop) anodes every winter; the saildrive is normally between 1/3 and 1/2 eroded, the propeller more so. I changed the hull anode for the first time last winter, after eight years use it was still barely 50% eroded.

        Ian Culley


          The hull anode is probably not doing anything. What is it bonded to? There should be no need for one if the saidrive anode is doing its job, although they are sometimes fitted and bonded to the leg internally as extra protection in high erosion situations. There is probably also a galvanic isolator fitted if you are hooked up to shorepower all the time.

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