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  • #6390

      Hello to you all,

      I asked the same question last year but did not get a definitive answer! Now there is someone on the ybw forum (with a Bavaria) asking what varnish to use, and as I need to treat the bulkheads in my companionway, here we are again.
      I believe the best match would be Epifanes semi-gloss, or perhaps a similar Blackfriars product.
      Does anyone have any advice on this subject?




        Hi Michael,

        I think i can help you with your question on varnish type. Our Bavaria 34, late 2001, was broken into during 2008 and the wardrobe doors in the aft cabin were badly damaged. At £400 for replacements we decided to scarf joint some new sections into place on the door edges and blend in with new varnish. I took advice from my chandlers who referred me to Epifanes and they said it could be their rubbed effect varnish or their Rapidclear. I bought both and from the description of the finish on the tin, decided that the Rapidclear sounded most promising. The match was so good i did not bother to try the rubbed effect varnish. Its perfect. You struggle to find the scarf joints and the luster of the finish is identical to the rest of the doors original finish. Rapidclear is described as, ‘quick and easy semi-gloss clear UV wood protection, so ideal in the companionway.

        Good luck.


          Thank you very much for your advice – just what I was looking for. I am sure my interior is the standard (dark) veneer, the same as yours, so I will now buy the Epifanes rapidclear.

          Kind regards,


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