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      We have just taken delivery of our new-to-us Bavaria 30. Just to start us off, at what sort of wind speeds would you advise the need for a reef?


        Firstly congratulations on taking delivery of your B30, I hope you enjoy her as much as we did ours.

        With our B30 we used to roll away some genoa early before considering a reef in the mainsail. We always found that she would round up really quickly in gusts leading in the early days to one memorable heart stopping moment close to Calshot Spit buoy, rolling away some genoa early helped with keeping balance on the helm.

        As for when to put in a reef, our first reef normally went in somewhere round 15 knots depending on direction and seastate. One of our crew can suffer badly from seasickness so we tend to reef based on comfort and ensuring that sailing remains enjoyable for all the members of the crew.

        Hope this helps,


          Thanks Paul

          We fitted in a bit of sailing last weekend. We started in about 5 knots and it gradually climbed to 15. Downwind that was fine but I could feel a desire for a reef coming on, given my present level of experience. Unfortunately the weather put paid to any further play and we motored home in pouring rain with 20-22 knots on the nose.

          Hopefully the delivery to Tickety Boo’s new home will happen next weekend, in which case we’ll have a few more opportunities to get a feel for her.

          Thanks again


            I have to ask, where is she based at the moment and where will you be taking her on the delivery trip?


              Tickety Boo has lived all her life so far in Neyland (Milford Haven). Last weekend we got as far as Dale (western end of Milford Haven), tried to spend the night on the floating pontoon there but then decided to return to Neyland. All being well, this coming weekend we are moving her to her new home in Portishead.

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