Cant remember the correct name for them but we have replaced all the mainsail slides in the mast groove as they break in high winds. I understand that the grey ones that slide in the mast are replaceable by the manufacturers with black ones. I cannot be sure but I suspect the grey are polyprop or similar and the black ABS which is more absorbent to loads. What is amazing is that after the sail has disconnected you look at the grey slide and it looks perfect. On close inspection it has failed letting the sail loose and then sprung back! Also replaced most of the sail fittings also as they degrade in the sun and pull our from the luff of the sail. Best to change them before you get caught in a gale. The best type are the old ones secured with screws. Anybody knoqw where I can get some as I have run out. We have a fully battened main.
Has anybody found the mainsail shrinks and the batten is then too long to refit? How do you know when the batten is the correct length (they are adjustable). We find in light winds a batten or 2 go into an S shape if you go straight into the wind. Looks aweful. Its our first experience of a fully battened main. Still learning.