Hi John, have you blocked the sail-drive up from outside below the prop on the underside? Near the oil drain plug? You will need to do this to release the load on the main shaft that goes into the fly wheel. I always use a trolley jack on blocks. Lift the sail drive a little, 3-5 mm from the point of contact a couple of times then lock the jack in the up position with the load of the sail drive on the jack. You may also need to wobble the sail-drive gently from below to disengage. It is the same principal as removing a gearbox from a old car. Be sure you have undone the right set of bolts and not left one or two in?
From memory there is a tab on the casting that can be used to help lever the two surfaces apart, I seem to remember it is on the top half of the castings off to one side. Use a large screw driver to gently pry them apart. Go gently you only need to open the faces by a mm or so to release the tension. Too much could damage the shaft or bearing surface. They can become quite well locked.
I will try to dig out the photos from when I did my last one and post them for you.
Best regards.