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      Spotted just of Ardrossan today (Saturday 27th) heading north. We were wimping out, heading back into the marina as it was too lumpy for us. Sorry the pictures aren’t better but I had left my camera in my cabin and it took a bit of effort to get it out in the bumpy water.



        Wow! Simon, that is absolutely fantastic. We had a bit of a debate as to whether it was you or not and I wouldn’t worry about “wimping out” because you were the only other yacht we saw between Troon and Largs. And Fi did suggest to me that if we were on your boat she would helm and I could go for the fenders 🙂

        New record for the journey – 2’55” from cast off Troon to secure and engine off at Largs, total distance was only 18.2 Nm so the wind was perfect for a rhum line course. As you can see we had 2 reefs in and reduced headsail.

        Strongest gust was just over 27Kns True and it was never less than high teens / low twenties until we got into the shelter of big Cumbrae but she was still extremely well balanced as you can see, with the autohelm working brilliantly. In fact, I wish we had bought a Bavaria years ago, the design is just superb fo rour type of sailing.

        Refuel 112 litres (ouch) at Largs and then we continued on to Holy Loch Marina after a spot of lunch – I will post more details in a new thread but thank you again for these fabulous pictures.



          We weren’t sure if it was you either until I managed to get the binoculars out. By then we were on your beam and by the time I got the camera you were astern of us, otherwise I would have been able to get some better pics of you “bow on”. Next time perhaps. You certainly have an impressive boat!

          Our original plan was to head for Loch Fyne. We then realised we were likely to have that swell on our beam for a couple of hours and we weren’t too keen on that. Our neighbours in the marina went out an hour after we went back in and went over towards Arran before heading towards the Cumbraes. On reflection we should perhaps have done that, then we might have had a better angle. Have to say however that it was a bit tricky getting back into Ardrossan. It’s a great marina but when the swell is up, it can keep you very busy on the way in 😯

          Oh well, we are still relatively new to this and learn something new every time. I am off to London next weekend so won’t be out. The following weekend I will be on the boat my own, so I might grasp the bull by the horns and go out single handed, weather permitting.

          Glad to see, in the other thread, that you had a good time. There are three other Bavarias in Ardrossan but they don’t seem to be members of the BOA. Maybe I should try to persuade them.

          Hope to see you again soon.



            We must have been in the vicinity too, but probably just too far away to make good id.

            On Saturday 27th we sailed from Rothesay down to Kilchattan Bay for a lunch stop, then across to Brodick for the night. It was quite an exciting sail across to Arran, with a single reef in both main and genoa. We intended to spend Sunday on Arran, walking up Goatfell, but the forecast was for “NW F6/7 Occ 8” later. I didn’t fancy the fetch across to Garroch Head in those conditions later so we left early and sailed up to Kames in the Kyles Of Bute (very nice meal in the Kames Hotel) in a F4/5/6. I reckon 7.3 knots isn’t bad for an old ’31 in these conditions. Should have some good action photos (probably showing some keel!) soon as my brother in law was alongside taking photos from his Maxi 1000 which was only marginally overhauling us.

            Holy Loch Marina would be good for a rally next season. I’ve been there a couple of times and agree with your assessment of both staff and facilities. There are a few other Bavarias near us in Rhu Marina, but I’m not sure if they are members. I only know of one other member for sure.



              Very impressed with the photos and it all sounds a lot more exciting than down on the Solent. You’ve probably just missed the deadline for the next newsletter but if you submitted those pictures with a bit of background they would get published for sure. I would also love to see a rally organised up in Scotland and if you do want to get something organised contact me on vice.commodore@bavariaowners.com and I will do anything I can to assist.


                that should have been vice.commodore@bavariaowners.co.uk


                  It would be great if we could organise something for next season. Having said that I am not taking Drumbeat out of the water this winter except for a few weeks in the New Year for maintenance etc. so hopefully will see folk on the water.

                  Sadly I am going to miss the QE2 on the Clyde this weekend, maybe some of you will get some pics?



                    Hi Fred,

                    After 2 seasons on the Solent (including last year’s Fastnet and this year’s RIR) it is a delight to be back in the rather less crowded waters of the Clyde.

                    Did you know a DSC alarm went off last month? Everyone was talking about it. 😀

                    Fiona will send you an email this weekend I think – maybe sooner if she gets a chance to log in to the forums today. If we liaised with Simon and Alastair and pulled some dates together for Scottish BOA events would it be possible for you to forward them by email to all the Scottish registered members as a “consultation” document?

                    Simon and Alastair,

                    I have just been given the go-ahead to start planning a Muster/Regatta for The Trades House of Glasgow‘s Sailing Section. Probably June, probably Holy Loch. As the planning process will be virtually identical (expecting maximum 10 boats) I see no reason why we couldn’t plan an event of our own along similar lines. Alternatively we could consider combining the events.

                    Email for me is david . scott @ gtg . co . uk (without the spaces) if you think it worth exploring.

                    Regards to all,


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