The standard Rutgerson mainsheet traveller fitted to Bubble and, as far as I can see from looking around, to all Bavaria 32s from 2003 or so has rope jammers at either end which are mounted on standard stainless plates which result in the jammer facing upwards. This angle means that it is pretty much impossible to release the traveller lines without a struggle – typically this means pushing your hand through an opening in the spray hood to release the line.
I have found that it is possible to solve this by simply removing the jammers on their stainless mounting plates, removing the jammer jaws and fixing them on the other side of the plates. The plate (with jammer) from one side is then fitted to the other side, and the job is done. Took me half an hour yesterday, most of which was cleaning off salt deposits. You need Torx bits to undo the bolt.
I can now adjust the traveller lines from the cockpit with a sharp wrist action. Still not totally ideal but any alternative is likely to be much more difficult to fit, expensive and likely to involve drilling the coach roof.
See photo.